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 मेरा नाम दर्शन इंगळे हे । मैं bachelor of Pharmacy  की शिक्षा ले रहा हु ।
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सिर्फ Aim यही है की अच्छा education मिले।✌️

आप मेरे ब्लॉग से कुछ नया सिख पाये ।
 - आपका शुभचिंतक
     दर्शन इंगळे 😊


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Gout     Gout Patient.     Increase serum uric acid concentration  (Hyperuricaemia ) ● Recurrent attack of characteristics types of acute arthritis in which crystal of mono sodium urate monohydrate may be in leucocyte present in synovial fluid .. ● Deposition of monosodium urate mono hydrates in and around joints. ● Involvement of renal disease ● uric acid Nephrolithiasis . It is a disorder of purine metabolism manifested by follows features may occur singly or in combination.        Gout is a painful and potentially disabling rheumatic disease gout is characterised by high level of uric acid in blood . Uric acid is eliminate by kidney and passed out of body in Urine . If the kidneys are unable to eliminate uric acid efficiently blood uric acid levels will increase . ◆Clinically the natural history of gout comprises 4 stages 1 ) Asymptomatic Hyperuricaemia 2) Acute gouty Arthritis 3) Asymptomatic interva...


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