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Introduction :
   Tuberculosis is the infectious disease . It is serious bacterial infection diease thats mainly affect the lungs.
It is spread all over the World .
It is as common as 1 million cases per year in india .
As per survey In 2015 , 1.8 million people are died from TB with 10.4 million falling ill.

Etiology ( causes) :
(MTB)  . This is generally affect the lungs but can be affect all over the body it is known as Latent Tuberculosis.
● Mycobacteria are non motile ,non spore forming ,aerobic , facultative and measuring 0.2 -0.5 micrometer . By 2 -4 micrometer.
Microbacterium Tuberculosis bactria

Mode of transmission
TB is spread through the air i.e droplet infection . From infected person to healthy person .
A single sneeze can release upto 40,000 droplets , since the infectious dose of tuberculosis is very low so inhalation of only 10 bacteria cause an infection.

For Public Awareness :
●TB is not transmitted By :-
1】Causual contact
2】sharing food
3】Shaking Hand
4】 Sharing of fluid.

Rick Factor
* If follows factors an individual's risk of acquiring active tuberculosis.
● HIV infection
● Diabetes militus
● Cancer
● Intra venous abuse.
◆ Sign and symptoms :
● Cough from 2 to 3 weeks or more
● Dry cough
● Chest pain
● Poor Appetite
● Fever
● Night sweat
● Weight loss

● Screening method :-
1) Mantoux tuberculin skin test with purified protein Derivative . ( Primary method )
2) In vitro blood test based on interferon gamma released assay with antigen specific of Mycobacterium tuberculosis for latent infection
● Tab test For suspected TB :
1) Acid fast bacilli smear and culture using sputum obtained from the patient , adsense of positive smear result does not exclude active TB infection . This culture is most specific test for TB
2) HIV serology in all patient with TB ang unknown HIV status .
3 ) Directly Observed Therapy ( DOTS )

Prevention :
1 )Vaccine : the only currently  available vaccine is bacillus calmette Guerin (BCG) . It is effective against disease in childhood .
2) Used masked when visiting hospitals.

BCG Vaccine has limitations so research are going to developed new TB vaccine . It is at phase1 and Phase2 Clinical trial . 
If found something incorrect please mail us 


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